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当我的孩子们还小的时候,我经常带他们去高夫尔溪公园. 那是在公园翻修之前,在那个时候,这条小溪很容易到达. As they played in the water on warm days, I would look out at this giant oak tree, standing tall next to the stream, and pray Psalm 1 over them:

Psalm 1
1 Blessed is the one
    who does not walk in step with the wicked
or stand in the way that sinners take
    or sit in the company of mockers,
    and who meditates on his law day and night.
    which yields its fruit in season
and whose leaf does not wither—
    whatever they do prospers.


在他们还没到上学年龄的时候,我就深切地祈祷,希望他们能像高大的树木一样,种在肥沃的土壤里, fruitful for God’s glory. 正是这种愿望驱使我和我丈夫与新葡京app合作.

Good soil

我的孩子们现在的身高分别是6英尺2英寸和6英尺1英寸,他们不再是小孩子了. Many years later, 我很高兴站在祈祷的另一边, 看着主继续将他们塑造成具有敬虔品格和正直的人. As I observe the Lord’s hand on their lives, 我想起了上帝对我家人的恩惠和他对祈祷的回应. 

但我也注意到,这种转变并非偶然发生. 作为父母,我被要求以正确的方式教育我们的孩子 excellent, Christian education 有意识地把我们的孩子种植在肥沃的土壤里. 

如果你正处于基督教教育之旅的起点, if you are considering this journey, 你可能会问:基督教教育值得吗? 我想列出一些毕业生在去年的反思中发表的评论:

  • “Jesus is present here, 它是你精神成长的安全之地, educationally, 在情感上和精神上……EC使我成为一个更好的人,因为它鼓励我在教育和精神上都做得更好. 我希望能留下一份遗产和榜样,告诉大家做最好的自己意味着什么.”
  • “I feel like I really found myself at EC. 我在基督里发现了我是谁,我找到了为我爱我的朋友.”
  • “EC is more than education. 当你跌倒时,它总是会接住你.”
  • “我的信仰经历了高峰和低谷……我要说的是,这里的激情和信仰是压倒性的。. 当我被东方基督徒包围时,我很难不去爱上帝. 不断的支持和与上帝的联系是非常有帮助的.”

The goal

These are just highlights; this sentiment can be found in every year of graduates since I started in my communication role at EC. 作为学生经历过新葡京app, a parent and an employee, 我自信地说,当新葡京app在他们的 mission 他们的目标是让学生在全球社会中成为基督的转化者, they mean it. 

Teachers, 教练和校园管理者关心学生的成功, but they also nurture their whole person. 这包括了解他们专业领域的最新情况, 当我们的孩子需要额外的指导和指导时,与他们同行, 通过言行引导孩子们归向基督, 并鼓励他们忠实地管理自己的恩赐, skills and personalities.

在他们发展的不同阶段,它看起来不同, but I, personally, 我感谢教我孩子唱圣经歌的幼儿园老师, 帮助他们背诵经文的小学老师, 中学老师用爱心纠正不属于基督的行为, 感谢高中老师们,他们勇于回答学生们的刁难问题, 向我的孩子们讲述生命的真谛,并在上帝的话语中指引他们走向真理, every day and in many ways. At every age, 我感谢社区的照顾,他们像基督爱我的孩子一样爱他们, 这种关怀从教室延伸到祈祷室, 在基督宝座前为我的孩子们代求, sometimes without me even knowing. Christian education was indeed good soil.

Final thoughts

At a recent young alumni gathering, 几年前我在高中毕业典礼上告别的那些学生回来了, this time as young adults. They had already branched out, some working at hospitals, others in technology, communications, business, social work, law and education; still others were pursuing master’s degrees. 看到这些年轻人改变了世界,但他们并没有失去对基督的信仰,我不禁充满了喜悦. 


所以我对你们的挑战是如果你是第一次考虑基督教教育, 愿你记起你对孩子最深切的希望,并问一问,一个优秀的人是否有良好的土壤, 基督教教育使你朝着这些目标迈进. 我也鼓励年轻的父母开始他们的学校之旅, 是说你在做一笔永恒的投资吗. As a parent of older children, 让他们在这里读完高中是我们所能做的最好的投资.

On behalf of all of my colleagues, 我们最深切的盼望所有的教会父母都能分享约翰三书1:4的喜乐, watching their children mature in their faith, grow in knowledge, 成为基督在全球社会中的转化使者.

Prospective families, schedule a visit to learn more about Eastern Christian School.

Leah Genuario

By: Leah Genuario

Leah Genuario is the Director of Publications & High School Journalism & Yearbook Teacher.

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